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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Revive. Rebuild. Recover

The worst of it is over, but now is the time for everyone to come together and bring the Northeast back to where it used to be. Hurricane Sandy did us dirty, but with everyones help we can make it through. 

My heart goes out to all the families who lost their homes, cars, and personal belongings. I am a strong believer in the saying "Everything happens for a reason." Something good will come of this. Maybe not in the near future, but eventually.

Stay strong.

{Jersey Strong}

Oh, and HAPPY HALLOWEEN everyone!!!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Rooms of the Day - {Away from Sandy}

With Hurricane Sandy taking over the East Coast, everything's been a bit gloomy around here. 

Being home for Fall Break, I expected a bit more excitement and warmth. In my mind, I associate fall with warm fuzzies, big sweaters and boots, blankets, and snuggling. Instead I've received an umbrella and some weights to keep me from flying away. Not happy about that.

I wish I could just escape to somewhere fresh and airy.
Someone build me a room like these...


{apartment therapy}

{apartment therapy}

Take me to a nice crisp, wooden lodge far, far away from the water. As much as I love the summer days, fall has always been my favorite season. I just want to be around some fresh air, bright light, and some peace & quite. Well, Hurricane're making that pretty impossible for me.

More blogging time though!
Until next time...

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Pinspiration Tuesday

The best-time-of-the-year-part-2 (after fall in general) finally came!

the one time that TCNJ is actually considered a real school.

This also means...flannel on flannel on flannel. What more could a girl ask for?!

{flannel, tee, combat boots, scarf}

{flannel on flannel}
{my second half}
{TCNJ in the fall}

I need to stop uploading my Instagram pictures on here...square pictures get old -___-

Get ready for a DIY project coming up!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Weekend PIC Up: Highlights

Being sick leads to me scrolling through my iPhone's endless amount of pictures. Then I realized I'm long overdue for a Weekend PIC Up.

How to to choose...

{my bestie turned 21}
{rooftop in hoboken = heaven}
{mimosas & sperrys all day}
{charlie chillin at my vanity}
{i could get used to waking up to white bedding & a dog}

{ZTAs balloon release during Pink Out Week}
{balloons for my Abuela}

{i would like to own you}

{remedy to my sickness = lemon tea}
{playin around with effects}

{RIP to my cousin Javier}

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Room Tour!

I guess you could say this is procrastination at its finest...
Final on Monday, blogging right now. nbd.

Well the good news is that since I've been sick this week, I was able to finish my room! YAY! Not only does this feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders, but I finally get the satisfaction of crossing things off my House To-Do List !!!! And let's face it...although making lists is probably one of my favorite pastimes, crossing things off is an even better feeling. (Probably because I rarely ever get to cross anything off.) 

The only thing I have left to do is add wall decor for behind my bed and the wall the full mirror is on. Any suggestions?!

{dresser area}
{white bedding, peak of the area rug}

{desk area}
{reading chair}

{closet wall}

{vanity area}
{vanity gallery wall}
{chevron table, mustard ottoman}

{full length mirror}
{peak-a-boo closet}

{shoes, studded loafers}
{finished closet}
Okay...HOMEWORK TIME. baiii

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Pinspiration Tuesday

So it's been quite a while...but I'm back!

During my absence from the blogworld, I spent a lot of time contemplating what kinds of posts I was going to start doing. I was thinking in terms of weekly "categories" similar to how I started (kind of) my weekly "Weekend Pic Up."

Originally, I was thinking of doing an "OOTD" (Outfit Of The Day) category since I have been Instagram-ing a bunch of my outfits recently. I wasn't completely happy with the idea...until in one of my OOTD's on Instagram, I hashtagged #pinspiration. Then I got the wonderful idea of starting a Pinspiration category! I would post my outfits, but with the Pinterest post that I was inspired by.

Let's give it a go!


{white dress, sweater, belt}


{flowy skirt, tank}


{black maxi, sweater}

{color sweater, leggings, brown boots}

{leggings, sweater, scarf}

{tights, brown boots, striped skirt, sweater, scarf}

{leggings, boots, sweater, peak-through flannel}

{black tights, black skirt, sweater, black scarf, bootie wedges}


{black pants, sweater, scarf, studded loafers}

That's all I have for now! Just tryin' to make my Pinterest Virtual Closet a reality...