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Thursday, January 17, 2013

Throwback Thursday

Man, have I been MIA!

My attempts at putting up short posts for the holidays only to blog later in more depth wound up being a complete fail. Between graduating, "moving back" to my parents for the holidays, and vacationing to Florida...I haven't found the time, or strength, to sit down and just write. Though I must say I have been craving it! Maybe I was just overwhelmed with all of the potential posts I haven't/want to post.

Nonetheless, I am back! Before I move forward onto everything I want to (and plan to) accomplish, let us throw it back to the holidays. I mean, who doesn't want it to still be holiday season? Especially since this Christmas and New Year had treated me pretty well!

playing with the most amazing Christmas present ever!
dad & son
couple o' nerds 
my dad's little composition

Lovely gifts from my amazing boyfriend :]

Absolutely LOVE my gift from my CFLJK Secret Santa! Thank you, Lucy!

trip to NYC with the Crazy Fatties for the cupcake tour!
a very Zeta NYE!

NYE with my baby!

So many good memories from 2012...but I cannot wait to see what this year has to offer.
Waiting for that cliche quote?

New year. New me!


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