Yesterday I turned (dun dun dun) 24 years old! I still can't believe it. Aren't I still 18?? Nope.. I'm definitely not a carefree teenager anymore. As you've probably noticed, I barely have time to post on here let alone take a breather. Well, thanks to the most amazing boyfriend ever I was able to unwind and have a terrific weekend last week.
Last Saturday, I thought I was going to see The Phantom of the Opera (my favorite show ever!) with Pat. We went into the city a little early to have lunch before the show...little did I know I was walking into a room filled with my friends & family!! I could NOT believe it! I've never been thrown a surprise party and, up until this year, I never really did anything big for my birthday since it always fell right in the middle of finals. I'm still glowing and ecstatic from the surprise!
When we got to the restaurant Pat led me straight to the back. I guess I was really out of it because all I thought was that he must have been here before. I walk into the back room, look up, and see my parents, my brother, and so many of my friends! My big, her boyfriend, my sophomore year roommate (who I haven't seen in forever!), the Crazy Fatties, and many more. I was THRILLED!
I was so, so happy I got to celebrate this day with my brother by my side!
The most amazing family!
The best girlfriends I could ever ask for. I don't know what I would do without them. Oh, and please note the GREATEST birthday sash of all time. Yes, that does say "birthday #ootd" -- thank you, Jessica.
For the next 2 hours or so, we enjoyed a delicious bottomless boozey brunch. I was so overwhelmed with joy that I didn't even try the food haha. It also had to do with the fact that no one let me have an empty glass. Once our time was up at our table, my parents and brother headed out and the rest of us continued the celebrations onto the next venue.
Yes.. I did bring these balloons everywhere we went :)
Next stop? 235 Fifth -- only the best rooftop bar EVER! We got our own table up on the roof and had the most beautiful view of the Empire State Building and the rest of the city.
Such a great group of girls.
It wouldn't be right if we didn't take our standard picture :)
This guy. The man of my dreams!
After it got dark outside, the majority of us made one last stop before ending the night at a bar called Flat Iron Hall. It was here that I had my leather jacket (seen above) stolen :(
But aside from that...I seriously still can't believe I got to experience such an amazing day filled with love and the most important people in my life. I couldn't ask for better friends & family, I truly am blessed. Pat really outdid himself and I am so lucky to have him in my life. Thank you to everyone who made 24 feel a little less old and a LOT more fun!
Here's to 24!!!